The planning phase of the Inyo-Mono IRWM Program was comprised of the creation of the Regional Water Management Group and its governance and the development of the IRWM Plan. Although both of these steps have been completed and we are now largely into the implementation phase of the program, we will continue to revisit our structure and update our IRWM Plan as necessary or required.
- The 2019 update to the IRWM Plan was completed and adopted in September 2019
- Adoption of Revised Phase II Inyo-Mono IRWM Plan in October 2014
- Adoption of Phase II Inyo – Mono IRWM Plan in November 2012.
- Awarded $480,000 Round 2 Planning Grant through DWR in 2012 to support ongoing operations and three planning projects.
- Awarded $240,000 Prop. 84 Planning Grant through DWR in early 2011 to revise Phase I Plan.
- Completion of Phase I Inyo-Mono IRWM Plan in late 2010. This Plan is non-regulatory and does not supersede any existing plans or regulations that currently govern water management in the region.
- Submission and approval of Region Acceptance Process application in 2009. Through this process, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) formally recognized the Inyo-Mono IRWM region and approved its boundaries.
- Receipt of $49,000 pre-planning/launch grant in 2008 from Sierra Nevada Conservancy. This allowed the group to hire staff, convene monthly meetings, and conduct outreach to potential RWMG participants.

Prop. 84 Round 2 Planning Grant Deliverables:
- Project Completion Report submitted early 2017 to DWR
- Final PG2 Grant Presentation given to RWMG at June 22, 2016, meeting
- Program Office work presentation given at October 28, 2015, RWMG meeting
- West Walker River Restoration Planning Study presentation
- Geophysical Assessment of West Walker River report
- Town of Mammoth Lakes Stormwater Master Plan presentation
- Oak Creek Restoration feasibility study presentation
- Oak Creek Watershed Stream Stability Assessment and Restoration Recommendations report
- View the presentation on Round 1 Planning Grant accomplishments given to the RWMG on November 14, 2012.
- The Eastern California Water Association (ECWA) was formed as a 501(c)(3) organization to help support the Inyo-Mono Regional Water Management Group. Read ECWA’s bylaws.