SWRCB Stormwater Grant Program Announces Proposal Assistance Workshops

The State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) SWGP provides both planning and implementation funding for projects that reduce and prevent storm water contamination of rivers, lakes, and streams. Projects must either implement low-impact development strategies or assist in compliance with established storm water Total Maximum Daily Loads.  Eligible entities: local public agencies or a joint powers authority comprised entirely of local public agencies.  Deadline:  January 31, 2012, for planning projects.  This date is also the deadline for concept proposals for implementation projects.  Awards may vary from $250k up to $3m, depending on the type of project.  $8m is available for planning in this round of funding, and $42m is available for implementation.  There is a matching funds requirement of up to 20 percent, depending on the economic status of the applicant, but it can be reduced for disadvantaged applicants.  Note: applications will be accepted starting November 15, 2011, and SWRCB has scheduledworkshops and a webcast to assist applicants. See Workshop details for additional information.

Workshop Details

More Info on the SWRCB Stromwater Grant Program