Survey to Identify Key Barriers to Coordinated Water and Energy Conservation and Efficiency Programs

The Pacific Institute is leading a research project to identify some of the key barriers to coordinated water and energy conservation and efficiency programs. In particular, we are interested in programs where water and energy utilities work together on projects that save both water and energy, e.g., clothes washer rebates, leak detection, and audits.

As part of that effort, they are conducting a broad survey to get a better sense of these barriers.

Please take a moment to share your thoughts on the topic by filling out the survey: It is fairly short and should only take 5 minutes. Thank you in advance for your time!

Also, please do forward this on to colleagues working in California that you think might be interested in participating. They would like the perspectives of a broad range of folks, including water managers, energy managers, consultants, academics, etc. The more responses the better! 

If you have any questions on this survey, please contact Heather Cooley, Co-Director of the Pacific Institute’s Water Program.  She can be reached at (510) 251-1600 or