September 25: Regular Group Meeting Action & Decision Items

Decision Items:

  • Irene Yamashita made a motion to approve the July 24, 2013, RWMG Meeting Summary, and Malcolm Clark seconded. All approved.
  • Darla Heil made a motion to approve the Pine Glade Association letter of support to the Forest Service, Wesley Hawks seconded. All approved.
  • Irene made a motion that the Admin. Committee draft a letter to all recipients of Inyo-Mono Prop. 84 grant funding asking for contributions to California Trout to reimburse them for past grant related expenses. BryAnna Vaughan seconded the motion. All approved.

Action Items:

  • Group members need to send proposed water projects that are not currently in the Plan to Mark ( and Holly ( by the morning of Monday, Sept. 30 to be added to the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board Meeting agenda for October. Proposed projects only need to contain a descriptive title and total funding amount needed.
  • Program Office is requesting match forms from the group by Tuesday, Oct. 8. Please fill them out and send them back to Maya Weinhart at Forms can be found at
  • Group members should review DWR’s Draft Plan Review Process at   If you would like the Program Office to submit comments to DWR on your behalf, send them to Holly ( by Wednesday, October 16.
  • Group members should give some thought to where they see the future of the Inyo – Mono IRWM Program going, including future programmatic activities. Group members should look at the proposed “buckets” of future work listed in today’s agenda item 5a ( and give their feedback on the proposed work, additional work they think is worthy, as well as potential funding sources.  Please send your ideas to Mark ( and Holly Alpert ( by Friday, October 18.
  • Group members should give some thought to how we are addressing Objective 8 of the Plan ( – Page 198) and the associated resource management strategies and whether we could be doing more to achieve this objective. Particular attention should be paid to whether number of projects is an appropriate metric or otherwise i.e., outcomes resulting from projects. Please send your feedback to Bob Harrington ( and Holly ( by Friday, October 18.
  • Group member should give their feedback on forming a 501(c)3 to Mark (, Holly (, and Bob ( by Friday, October 25.
  • Mark Drew will sign the Pine Glade Association letter of support and send it to Margaret Wood of the Inyo National Forest on behalf of the Inyo – Mono Regional Water Management Group for Pine Glade Association.
  • Maya Weinhart will create a news item with today’s action items to allow an RSS feed update for the action items.
  • Jen Wong will contact Valerie Klinefelter about needing a wet signature on the invoicing form to move forward with Invoice #1.
  • Cindy Wise will reach out to Bob Harrington and Heather deBethizy for further discussion on salt and nutrient management planning and coordinate a plan for bringing the topic up at their county board meetings.