Second South Lahontan Regional Forum on Water Management and Planning

Second South Lahontan Regional Forum on Water Management and Planning


Wednesday, September 25, 2013
1:00 — 4:30 pm


Locations (both locations will be linked via webinar):
Apple Valley: Mojave Water Agency, 13846 Conference Center Drive
Bishop: USFS, Supervisor’s Office Conference Room, 351 Pacu Lane

Download the agenda and webinar info:
Additional meeting materials will be posted at the above website as they are available.
The most recent draft of the South Lahontan Regional Report will be posted on September 10.

Download the South Lahontan Hydrologic Region – Regional Report


Why Participate?

  • The Forum agenda will provide an overview of the Public Review Draft for Update 2013 of the Water Plan.
  • Time will be spent discussing the South Lahontan regional report, which describes regional water conditions and the water management planning context.
  • Help inform statewide investment policy through review of key elements of strategic water planning issues, priorities and recommendations.
  • Hear updates on related programs: Forest Plan Revisions, Indian Wells Valley groundwater study, IRWM strategic plan and more.
  • Influence DWR’s future outreach efforts.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Representatives of water agencies and regional groups; local, state, Tribal and federal government; watershed and community groups; conservancies; and the public are welcome and needed for successful dialogue.

If you have questions or would like more information about the event, contact Mark Drew (; 760-924-1008) or Holly Alpert (; 760-709-2212).

Download the Flyer – South Lahontan Forum Flyer

Download the Agenda – South Lahontan Forum Agenda