Second North Lahontan Forum – Oct. 10

Second North Lahontan Regional Forum on Water Management and Planning

Thursday, October 10, 2013  9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

(locations listed below, webinar options available)
Please RSVP at:


The California Department of Water Resources (DWR), in cooperation with local entities and organizations, is holding a Regional Forum to gather and share information relating to the California Water Plan and statewide and local Integrated Water Management. The Forum will also evaluate DWR’s regional approach, asking for feedback on ways to improve outreach.

Why Participate?

  • The Forum agenda will provide an overview of the Public Review Draft for Update 2013 of the Water Plan. Information will focus on new and revised content, with details on how to submit comments on the document.
  • Extra time will be spent discussing the North Lahontan regional report, which describes regional water conditions and the water management planning context.
  • Discuss regional funding challenges, opportunities and lessons learned. Information and conversation will consider grant programs and match requirements.
  • Hear updates on related programs: USFS – Forest Plan Revisions and Watershed Management Program (invited), Flood Future Report, and IRWM strategic plan.
  • Influence DWR’s future outreach efforts.
  • Representatives of water agencies and regional groups; local, state, Tribal and federal government; watershed and community groups; conservancies; and the public are welcome and needed for successful dialog.


Forum Locations, Agenda and Materials

Join us at the following locations (which will be linked via webinar):

  • South Lake Tahoe: Lake Tahoe Community College, Board Room, One College Drive
  • Susanville: BLM Conference Room, 2950 Riverside Drive

Please go to to download the agenda, webinar link and conference call number. Both the webpage and agenda provide the webinar and conference call information for remote participation.

Additional meeting materials will be posted as they are available. The most recent draft of the South Lahontan Regional Report will be posted on September 25th.


Dowload the Agenda – NL-ForumAgenda-10.10.13

Dowload the Flyer – NL-ForumAnnouncement-10.10.13v2