MCWD Urban Water Management Plan Public Review Notice

Mammoth Community Water District’s Draft 2010 Urban Water Management Plan is Available for Public Review and Comment

Mammoth Community Water District has completed an update of its 2005 Urban Water Management Plan.  The Draft 2010 Plan is an important long term planning document for the District and the community.  The plan addresses the District’s ability to provide reliable water service to the community and to meet 2020 water conservation targets set by the State.  The conclusions and recommendations from the 2010 Urban Water Management Plan will determine key aspects of long term capital investment by the District for water supply and treatment, and influence future land use planning and development levels within the Town, to the extent these are influenced by the practical and regulatory requirements linking water supply reliability and land use decisions

Copies of the plan are available for review at the District office during business hours or a copy can be obtained from the District website:  A public hearing to discuss and possibly approve the 2010 Urban Water Management Plan will be held at 6:00 pm, November 17, in the District conference room at 1315 Meridian Blvd in Mammoth Lakes. Comments, concerns, or suggested revisions to the proposed plan may be submitted to the Mammoth Community Water District, Attn:  Greg Norby, P.O. Box 597, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546, prior to the November 17th public hearing.