About Inyo-Mono IRWMP

The Inyo-Mono Integrated Regional Water Management Program (IRWMP) is a part of a statewide effort that is geared towards finding and implementing solutions for regional water management issues. The Inyo – Mono IRWMP formally began in 2008 and since its inception has raised more than $2.5 million to assist with essential water management projects and research for Inyo, Mono, and Kern Counties.
The efforts of the Inyo-Mono IRWMP are guided by the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan and are supported by over 30 organizations or Regional Water Management Group Members that are signatories to the MOU which guides the governance of the group. All current IRWMP work falls under funding for Planning, Implementation, or work for Disadvantaged Communities (DACs). The work and projects of the Inyo-Mono IRWMP are funded by grants through the California Department of Water Resources which are made available through Proposition 84 and Proposition 1 funding.

Our Vision
Our vision is a landscape that is ecologically, socially, and economically resilient. As diverse stakeholders, we identify and work toward our common goals. We achieve a broad-based perspective that benefits our regional ecosystems and human communities by combining our interests, knowledge, expertise and approaches. We strive to have every voice heard within our region and our collective voice heard in the state and nation.
- Objective 1: Protect, conserve, optimize, and augment water supply while maintaining ecosystem health
- Objective 2: Protect, preserve, restore, and enhance domestic and ecosystem water quality
- Objective 3: Provide stewardship of water dependent natural resources
- Objective 4: Maintain and enhance water, wastewater, emergency response and power generation infrastructure efficiency and reliability
- Objective 5: Address climate variability and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Objective 6: Encourage participation of small and disadvantaged communities, including tribes, in IRWM process to identify and work towards meeting their needs
- Objective 7: Promote sustainable stormwater and floodplain management that enhances flood protection
- Objective 8: Support sound groundwater monitoring, management, and mitigation in cooperation with all affected parties .