World Water Day 2015 at Paiute-Shoshone Cultural Center

The Bishop Paiute Tribe would like to invite you, your friends, and your families to the 2nd Annual World Water Day event this Sunday, March 22, at the Paiute-Shoshone Cultural Center in Bishop.  We will start the day at 7 AM with a sunrise water blessing followed by a water gratuity ceremony before taking participants on a walk (~1 mile) through the Tribe’s Conservation Open Space Area.  There will be short presentations by fellow regional water stewards sharing their water resource-related work.  The event will culminate with cultural demonstrations by local Native American artists.  Additionally there will be a water bottle give away, arts and craft stations relating to water conservation for all ages, and a raffle at the end.  Arts and craft vendors and food vendors are expected as well – all of this before noon on Sunday, come out and join the fun!