Central Nevada Regional Water Authority special meeting Dec. 12

It is the Central Nevada Regional Water Authority’s pleasure to invite you to a special meeting to hear how the States of Arizona, California and Utah are addressing a projected gap between currently developed water supplies and projected water demands.  Given Nevada’s water supply challenges, it is hoped this meeting will help Nevadans determine if it is time for Nevada to have a statewide discussion on its water future, and develop statewide strategies, in addition to local strategies, to address Nevada’s projected water supply shortfall.

The meeting will have three prominent and knowledgeable presenters: 1) Kathleen Ferris, Executive Director  of the  Arizona Municipal Water Users Association and former Director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources; 2) Kamyar Guivetchi, P.E., Manager, Statewide Integrated Water Management, California Department of Water Resources; and 3) Robert Grow, President/Chief Executive Officer for Envision Utah.

The meeting venue is the Siena Hotel & Casino (Siena Ballroom) in downtown Reno next to the Truckee River and the National Automobile Museum.  The meeting will run from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., with a buffet lunch in the meeting room from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Please see the announcement for more meeting information and registration instructions.