DWR Annouces the Second Prop. 1E Stormwater Flood Management Funding Round

DWR has opened the online Proposition 1E Stormwater Flood Management Round 2 Proposal Solicitation. Grant applications will be submitted via our electronic submittal tool, BMS/GRANTS. You can access BMS/GRANTS at http://www.dwr.water.ca.gov/bms/


• The Name of the Proposal in BMS is Prop 1E R2 Stormwater Flood Management


• The complete application and all supporting documentation must be submitted via DWR’s Bond Management System (BMS) and hardcopies received by 5:00 p.m. on February 1, 2013


• You need to have a valid BMS account in order to submit an application. To set up a BMS account visit the following link to access BMS Public User Guide and the tutorial videos:

http://www.water.ca.gov/bms/ (Click on Help Tab)


• To apply for this Grant login to BMS (Using your BMS login password & username) and select “Prop 1E R2 Stormwater Flood Management” from the PSPs list


• BMS supports Internet Explorer Web Browser only (version 7 or later)


• If you have questions regarding the Proposition 1E Program please contact: Laura McLean at

laura.mclean@water.ca.gov or (916) 651-9212


• If you have any questions regarding BMS please contact BMS help desk at:

(888) 907-4267 or email GRanTSadmin@water.ca.gov