2015 Implementation Grant

2015 Prop. 84 IRWM Implementation Grant

In late 2015, the Inyo-Mono IRWM Program (through Desert Mountain Resource Conservation & Development as the grantee) was awarded $1,816,943 to support six implementation projects, four of which are located in disadvantaged communities.  This grant is the final round of funding through Proposition 84.  After working with DWR to secure a grant agreement, these projects are getting underway as of late 2016/early 2017.


Project 1:  Bishop Paiute Tribe Irrigation, Domestic Water, and Wastewater Conservation Plans

Project Sponsor:  Bishop Paiute Tribe

Project cost:  $186,712.00 (no match)IMG_3377

Project 2:  June Lake Public Utility District Uranium Removal Plant

Project Sponsor:  June Lake Public Utility District

Project cost:  $194,650.00 (includes 25% match)

Project 3:  Amargosa Basin Water, Ecosystem Sustainability, and Disadvantaged Community Project

Project Sponsor:  Amargosa Conservancy

Project cost:  $687,053.00 (includes $195,000 match)

Project 4:  Big Pine Tribal Fire Hydrant Replacement Project

Project Sponsor:  Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley

Project cost:  $225,300.00 (no match)

Project 5:  Ridgecrest Cash-for-Grass Landscape Rebate Incentive Program

Project Sponsor:  Indian Wells Valley Water District

Project cost:  $489,800 (includes match)

Project 6:  Recycled Water for Restoration and Community Projects in Big Pine

Project Sponsor:  Inyo County

Project cost:  $280,234.42 (no match)

Proposal Materials

* Not all materials are listed here.  If you would like to see the full proposal, contact Holly Alpert.  Regional_map

Project Justification

Work Plan



Program Preferences